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Ta fazendo ainda, calm

Data de lançamento?


How do you download it? 


But why never mind on how to download this....

Bro how the fudge do i download this!?

Como lo instalooooo😭😭😭😭😭😭

Where is the download button?


Guys the Mod is not  available anymore is cancelled (cancelado means cancelled in spanish)




She is working on the mod again


How can i download this


sera  que ella es una persona diferente porque dijo que el mod estaba cancelado ¿canceledbuild? 

soy el mismo

ooo new updat


(2 edits) (+1)

for thos that are wondering what the description says (Hello, it's been a long time since I made an update, I want to apologize for not having finished the mod, I went through things that made it difficult for me to update and develop it, due to private issues, the mod will never be updated, I'm sorry to have made you wait so long for nothing, both my YouTube channel and other accounts, I will start publishing content other than gacha, I no longer belong to this community, currently I am dedicated to drawing, commissions and topics related to vocaloid and music, currently I want to dedicate myself to creating covers with my voice, being an utaite, I prefer to leave the mod videos public, in case someone wants to use the drawings for their own mod, they are free to do so, ONLY THE DRAWINGS THAT I MADE, both the other drawings and the music would have to ask permission from each of the related artists, for my part, I have nothing left to say but thank you for the support I had both on tiktok and youtube at the time of making the mod, I'm sorry I couldn't have fulfilled this, I will not delete my account or the zip file, If you want to use it as a base, do so. I'm leaving. I hope you are well.)

ty for telling us i feel bad cus they have isues that we dont need to know  and they cant publish its ok to not upload/update its their choice to stay in the community or not but they do belong anywhere 


yall if you wonder why it won't work, it's cancelled cause cancelado means cancelled in spanish 🤦‍♀️



It's not for mobile :(

They made a apk version

can yall not read


i tried to download it on dadzawa pc and it failed it said download not available for this site

Deleted 208 days ago

idk, maybe not?


 você poderia fazer uma versão para Android?

of course!!

Why won’t it work

will not work for a long time, besides, the download is no longer available, I don't want to give a mediocre mod, I want something good

i think the mod is canceled


idk idk, nobody knows

entra na pasta q o gacha ta la, TRANSLATE!!


have you watched  fnaf stuck inside song search it up on yt

I can't download Gacha Kemono T_T could you make a zip version?

There is a apk one

 gacha Kemono its cool :3

I cant download it for some reason:(

Android please

Someone recreated it apk







sorry I cannot make another gacha video because I only make logo histories

i think Im gonna make another gacha video soon so stay tuned

i changed my profile pic because I didn't make any gacha videos on my old acc

(1 edit)

adobe doesn't accept the file for me too its not the first time but it always happens. the mod

(1 edit)

Do you mind adding a .zip file? Adobe doesn't accept the .rar file😔

Extract the rar file on windows, i think you can extract if you download winrar

tu me enganou

Can you make it for 32 bits android?


I don't get it, someone deleted my reply  "same" but this is what my second reply look like: 


i dont get it???




please upgrade the pc version, the adobe file in it is too old for the new computers and new adobes

Deleted 1 year ago


Show post...

Zip version and android version here!

uhm i cant use rar files

download winrar you can open rar files with winrar

Everyone that can download this better be grateful, I wish I could have this, boutta start saving up for a pc cuz all the cool shi is designed for pc's only😮‍💨

Im doing this  on my school pc😅

Ain't no wayy, lucky😭

(3 edits)

Mensaje de Naromii / Message from Naromii:

español: hola, quiero hacer un pequeño comunicado, para todos, el mod, no saldra, la verdad nunca quise hacer un mod, solo queria que fuera una idea, pero a la gente le termino gustando el proyecto y la verdad es que yo tambien queria verlo hecho un mod, pero actualmente me he rendido, no quiero continuar con el mod, dejare el archivo publico para que cualquiera pueda descargarlo y editarlo, tambien dejare los accesorios que queria colocar y por errores del editor no se pudieron agregar al 100%, quiero decirles gracias por el apoyo, pero este sera mi ultimo aporte a la comunidad gacha, empezare de 0 con otra cuenta de youtube, mis demas redes seguiran igual, gracias por todo la descarga del "mod" estara en el server de discord, el server terminara siendo borrado despues de un tiempo, nose si vuelva a pisar esta comunidad, pero por ahora esto es todo, si quieren pedirme los archivos, fondos del mod, accesorios y demas cosas estaran todos publicados en el server antes de que este sea eliminado, sera de libre uso excepto la musica ya que no fue hecha por mi, solo los accesorios que deje en anclado seran de libre uso, gracias (editado)

english: Hello, I want to make a small announcement, for all, the mod, will not come out, the truth never wanted to make a mod, I just wanted it to be an idea, but people ended up liking the project and the truth is that I also wanted to see it made a mod, but now I have given up, I do not want to continue with the mod, I will leave the public file so that anyone can download and edit it, I will also leave the accessories that I wanted to place and for errors of the editor could not be added to 100%, I want to say thank you for the support, but this will be my last contribution to the community gacha, I will start from 0 with another youtube account, my other networks will remain the same, thanks for everything. the mod download will be on the discord server, the server will end up being deleted after a while, I don't know if I'll be back in this community, but for now this is all, if you want to ask me for the files, mod backgrounds, accessories and other things will be all published on the server before it is deleted, it will be free to use except the music because it was not made by me, only the accessories that I left in anchored will be free to use, thanks.

The mod:

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